How to start Blogging for free. BlogSpot Help. How to make money blogging Full Guideline.

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How to start blogging for free

Today I will discuss all the things that need to select in advance to start blogging. And more will discuss how to start blogging in a new way.

How to make a blog for free

Many people confused about how to start blogging, what content to choose, and so on. Many people scared again about how to do SEO and how to make income.

But there is no reason to worry. I will discuss how to start blogging in a brand new situation. Hope you see the whole thing in the end.

How to create a blog for free

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. On the left, click the Down arrow.
  3. Click New blog.
  4. Enter a name for your blog.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Choose a blog address or URL.
  7. Click Save.

Before you start blogging, you must know a few things. Such as blog name, content, etc. All the details provided below:

1. Choose a blog name: First, you need a name for your blogging. And this name has to done by SEO. You have to select a name so that some visitors come to your site or you have to have a name that people search. For this, you need to do proper SEO so that you get proper views or traffic.

2. Selecting a Domain Name: You need to select a domain name with an SEO friendly keyword. So that your traffic is convenient to come. And if you do blogging with Blogspot, then you don't have to buy hosting. Since you have to select a domain, if you want to buy a domain, try to buy a top-level domain. Try to buy .com or .info for you at the top level. If you want any advice on buying a domain then I will tell you to buy an old domain.

3. Source of Income: Decide in advance how you will earn income from your blog. Ads and donations are two special ways to earn income.

So if you want to earn income from Blogger through ads, then you have to abide by the terms of the ad networks. So that way you have to upload the content. It is best if you read their terms. This will allow you to easily monetize your site. Google AdSense is an important and trusted ad network.

4. Content: Many people go down to blogging without choosing their content. The results showed a few days later that he could no longer blog. That's how he lost interest in blogging. So you must be aware of creating your own content so that you get the expected results after working. For this, you need to select the content that has fewer competitors and higher search volume. You need to use some tools to get these. The tools will explain in detail later.

5. Template / Theme: Select a good and responsive theme. So that it supports all devices. For this, you can make one without using a free theme with a good developer.

Read Also: BlogSpot Income.
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How to start a blog for free

addition, regular content creation, uploading, etc. must do it all the right way. In a new situation, you have to work a little harder to get the desired results. Also, no mistake can make in a new situation. Usually, many people make some mistakes in a new situation. Be careful about that all the time.

Never worry about money at the beginning of blogging. Doing so can distract you from your work. Do the right thing for a certain amount of time. Everything will happen when the time comes.

You daily publish content on the blog. By regular I don’t mean every day. If you do it well after 1 day, then hold it. Not a day can be missed. Again, if you publish content every two days, then do it every two days. Do not break the rules. Again, if you publish any two or three days a week, you will continue to do so. Again, if you publish a comment any day of the week, you will continue to do so. If you upload content every Sunday, you must upload content every Sunday.

Many people have got Adsense by writing a few articles. But they are still not able to earn income. This is because they satisfied until they got Adsense. There is no focus on their work.

Never make an exception. Exceptions can reduce your audience. If your blog has some audience then they must wait for your content.

But if you don't upload content naturally, that audience can get annoyed. As As a result, you will lose some audience for no reason.


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